Problems with the application Observations


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

As an additional information we are working on adjusting the guides for all the functions regarding the new forms.

Forms/observations should now be working again for everyone.

All forms have been activated for the residents. If you want to disable some of the forms you can do so in resident forms in the administration. On each form you can remove the checkmarks in “Registration can be made by” to disable a form.

In a few cases a form that should be available to the resident is still not present on the screens. In this case, please make sure that the forms are not archived (show archived forms in the list if your form is missing) or disabled in resident forms in the administration.

The report is still migrating data from before 29-04-2019. We are looking into speeding up the process to give you access to the historical data as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience these issues have been causing the past couple of days.


Forms/observations should be working again now but need to be enabled on the screens. To enable registrations on the screens you need to enable employee registration on the forms you want to be able to register on. We are doing this automatically for everyone, but it takes a while to run through all the data. If you need to do registrations right now you can enable the employee registration in the resident forms manually in the administration.


Some users may have trouble making registrations in forms on the screens at the moment. We are working on a solution.


We have now solved the issues regarding the Observations app (is now called Forms). This means that it is possible to make new registrations.

However we are still experiencing problems seeing old registrations in the Observation log (is now called Forms report). We are working on this issue and will send out a new status as soon as we have any news.

Unfortunately we are still experiencing problems.

We are working as fast as we can and the next status will be at 3.00 pm


We are currently experienced problems when trying to open the applications Observations and Observation Log.

We are working on fixing this and will send out a new status at 2.00 pm.

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